Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Where can I find directions to the park?
A. Click here for directions and map if you’re traveling by car, looking for bus route, biking/walking the Cayuga Waterfront Trail, or arriving by watercraft.

Q. How do I reserve a building (pavilion, etc) in Stewart Park?
A. Please click here to be directed to the City of Ithaca’s page on pavilion rentals.

Q. Who are the Friends of Stewart Park?
A. Please click here for more information about the Friends.

Q. How can I support the Friends of Stewart Park?
A. Please click here for more information about financial donations, in-kind donations and volunteer support.

Q. Other than monetary donations, what sort of “in-kind” donations might you need?
A. Volunteer labor is often needed and always appreciated, and some projects need/will need in-kind donations such as landscaping supplies, building materials and food & beverages for volunteer work-days or special fundraising events. Like all nonprofits we always welcome donations of office supplies and equipment. Please contact us for more details.

Q. How do I sign up to learn about volunteer opportunities with Friends of Stewart Park?
A. Send us an email with a request to be put on our volunteer notification list and/or sign up for our e-newsletter and/or Like our Facebook Page to get event invites.

Q. I’ve got a great idea for a community service project that I’d like to lead in the park – who do I contact?
A. Send us an email with a  brief description of your proposal, ideas or suggestions!